SOLD OUT Kukur (dog) Tihar, which acknowledges the cherished relationship between humans and dogs, falls on day two of Tihar, Nepal's second largest festival, more commonly known as Diwali (read more about it in our blog post). Real Dog Moms of Chicago has partnered with Utsab & Prasanna, the owners of The Amazing Paw dog walking company and native to Nepal to bring together a local celebration of our dogs. Together with One Tail At A Time we will be hosting a beautiful evening on October 26th at One Tail At A Time’s Adoption Center to bless our beloved dogs both those with homes and those waiting for homes. Every detail has been carefully planned in honor of the Hindu tradition. Utsab’s mother will be flying in from Nepal and teaching Jessica (rdmoc) and Heather (OTAT) how to perform the blessing alongside her, as well as bringing in traditional items for the tika, garland and food offerings. We are very excited to share, honor and experience this wonderful celebration with our community. Tickets for this event include traditional tea and small bites from Nepal, as well as local food and beverage items. Somewhere in my googling I saw that gambling, especially card games are also popular parts of the festivities and are considered auspicious. We will be hosting raffle items to raise more money for One Tail at a Time and a dog shelter in Nepal. Tickets will be on sale before the blessing and winner selected after the blessing in celebration. This event begins at 7pm, we will host a "just the blessing" portion in the beginning for those wishing to partake in only that portion of the event. This will be on leash and a controlled setting for those with dogs that may be reactive to others or not good at play, we encourage everyone to come have their dogs blessed. We suggest those coming for the blessing and celebration arrive closer to 7:30pm, as we continue the blessing and invite these ticket holders to enjoy food and beverages. All can purchase raffle tickets and need not be present to win. All celebration participants receive a swag bag full of goodies for your dog and some for the humans! Thank You to Our Event SponsorsClick on the logos below to learn more about these pawsome businesses.
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